2021 Census
What is the census?
A census is a count of all people and households in the country that takes place every ten years. It asks people about subjects such as work, health, ethnic background, education and marital status. The responses build a picture of today’s society which helps central and local government, health authorities, businesses, voluntary sector organisations and communities target resources and plan for years to come.
The 2021 Census took place on 21 March 2021. In England and Wales the 2021 Census was organised and carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). More detail on all aspects of the census can be found on the 2021 Census web pages.
First Results
The first results from Census 2021 were published on 28 June 2022 and give communities across Dudley a glimpse of how our local population has changed in the past decade. All households across Dudley were asked to take part in Census 2021, which provides the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. There was a 97 per cent borough response rate to the census.
The first results provide estimates of our population, as well as age and sex profiles. Census 2021 shows the estimated population of Dudley on Census Day, 21 March 2021, was 323,500 (rounded to the nearest hundred), a 3.4% increase from the Census 2011 figure of 312,900. For more information visit the ONS web site First Results from Census 2021 page.
Interactive Census Content
From the ONS website you can view the report on how the population changed in Dudley in the ten years to Census 2021 and how this compares to other areas, or use the ONS interactive tool to see Dudley's age-sex estimates and compare to other local authorities.
Also available is a wider view of how life has changed in Dudley based on Census 2021 results that highlight some of the most notable changes among the local population, or play the interactive Census 2021 quiz to see how well you know your local area.
If you want to explore the census data ONS have an interactive mapping tool that lets users map the main census results, and a tool to create your own custom area profile based on the geographic area you draw on a map to build up a profile of charts from a range of Census 2021 topics. You can also create a custom dataset to get data on a full range of census topics and geographic areas.
2021 Census Area Profiler
From the Dudley Council website you can access the 2021 Census Area Profiler which is an interactive Excel-based tool designed to show users the 2021 Census results for an area of their choice, and allow them to compare it to any other area.
In the profiler you can view tables of census results showing the number and percentage of the population across a wide range of topics, such as age, ethnic group, general health, occupation and method of travel to work. There are also charts that show the percentage figures for the two selected areas. The profiler includes census results for Dudley and other local authorities, but also has a specific Dudley focus, with the user able to choose areas within Dudley Borough for comparisons, such as community forum areas, wards and super output areas.
When you open the profiler there are boxes where you can select your area and comparison area. Help information is also available within the profiler to assist users. Please note that dependent on your version of Excel you may need to accept an "Enable Editing" and/or "Enable Content" message to use the full functionality of the profiler.
You can also view a PDF format 2021 Census Area Profile comparing Dudley Borough to England.
Find your area
When using the 2021 Census Area Profiler, if you want to find out which ward, community forum area, lower layer super output area (LSOA) or middle layer super output area (MSOA) an address is located within, and view a map of the area, please use the search facilities below which are available on the Dudley Council website.
Find ward of an address
Find community forum area of an address
Find lower layer super output area (LSOA) of an address
Find middle layer super output area (MSOA) of an address
Topic Summaries
The ONS released further results from the census from November 2022 onwards, starting with Topic Summaries and facts and figures about areas. Topic Summaries include sets of data, or datasets, most of which include data from a single variable. A variable is a particular characteristic of a person or household, for example, religion or accommodation type.
The summaries are shown below in the order ONS released them and include their publication date. Please see the Census 2021 results and timeline web page for more details on topic summaries and other census data releases.
To view headline data and links to maps and data downloads for the released topics click on the '+' for your topic summary of interest to open. Each open topic summary can be minimised by clicking on the '-'.
Demography and migration Topic Summary: Headlines
- the estimated population of Dudley on Census Day, 21 March 2021, was 323,495
- 50.8% of the Dudley population is female, 49.2% male
- 18.9% were aged under 16, 60.7% were aged 16 to 64 and 20.4% aged 65 and over
- there were an estimated 69 people aged 100 or over
- 92.1% of the Dudley population were born in the UK
Use the Census maps interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data from the demographics and migration topic summary, or download the datasets from the ONS.
UK armed forces veterans Topic Summary: Headlines
- On Census Day, 21 March 2021, 8,310 people in Dudley indicated they had previously served in the UK armed forces. This represents 3.2% of the Dudley usual resident population aged 16 and over, compared to 3.8% for England.
- Of the UK armed forces veterans population in Dudley, 2.3% had served in the regular forces only, 0.7% in the reserve forces only, and 0.1% in both the regular and reserve forces
- 8,033 households in Dudley had at least one person who had previously served in the UK armed forces, equating to 5.9% of households in Dudley compared to 7.0% of households in England
You can download the datasets on the UK armed forces veterans topic summary from the ONS.
Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion Topic Summary: Headlines
- 82.4% of the Dudley population identified their ethnic group as White English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British, compared to 88.5% in Census 2011
- The next largest ethnic groups are Pakistani with 4.6% of the population (3.3% in Census 2011), Indian with 2.4% (1.8% in 2011) and Other White with 1.9% (1% in 2011)
- 94.4% of the Dudley population responded that their national identity was British, English or a combination of both
- All adults in 94.5% of Dudley households have English as a main language, compared to 96% in Census 2011
- 2.3% of households have no people with English as a main language (1.4% in 2011)
- 95.6% of the Dudley population aged 3 and over have English as their first or preferred language, compared to 96.8% in Census 2011
- The next most prevalent preferred languages are Urdu with 0.8% of the population (0.8% in Census 2011), Panjabi with 0.7% (0.5% in 2011) and Polish with 0.5% (0.2% in 2011)
- 49.3% of the Dudley population identified their religion as Christian, compared to 65.3% in Census 2011. 36% said they had no religion (22% in Census 2011)
- The next most prevalent religions are Muslim with 6.2% of the population (4.1% in Census 2011), Sikh with 1.6% (1.2% in 2011) and Hindu with 0.7% (0.6% in 2011)
Use the Census maps interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data from the ethnic group, national identity, language and religion topic summary, or download the datasets from the ONS.
Labour market and travel to work Topic Summary: Headlines
- Of the Dudley population aged 16 and over in employment the week before Census day, 21 March 2021, 29.6% worked part-time (30 hours or less a week), very similar to Census 2011 when the figure was 29.9%; 70.4% worked full-time (31 hours or more a week) compared to 70.1% in 2011
- The three largest occupation groups amongst the Dudley working population were Professional occupations with 16.8%, Skilled trade occupations with 12.4% and Associate professional and technical occupations with 12%
- 58.9% of the Dudley population aged 16 and over were Economically active according to Census 2021, which means that between 15 March and 21 March 2021, they were: in employment (an employee or self-employed); or unemployed, but looking for work and could start within two weeks; or unemployed, but waiting to start a job that had been offered and accepted
- 41.1% of the Dudley population aged 16 and over were Economically inactive so did not have a job between 15 March to 21 March 2021 and had not looked for work between 22 February to 21 March 2021 or could not start work within two weeks - this group includes people who were retired, some students, those looking after home or family, people who were long-term sick or disabled and some other groups
- Of the Dudley population aged 16 and over in employment the week before Census day 21.7% said they worked mainly from home; the Census is a snapshot in time and Census 2021 took place during a national lockdown when the government advice at the time was for people to work from home (if they could) and avoid public transport, so this figure likely reflects this situation
- 57.8% of the Dudley population aged 16 and over in employment the week before Census day travel less than 20km to their place of work
- The most used method of travel to work was driving a car or van as reported by 59% of the Dudley working population, with 5.6% getting to work on foot, 4.9% as a passenger in a car or van and 4.2% by bus, minibus or coach, with 21.7% working mainly from home also being part of this question so indicating no method of transport to work; people who were furloughed (about 5.6 million nationally) were advised to answer the transport to work question based on their previous travel patterns before or during the pandemic, meaning the data may not accurately represent what they were doing on Census Day.
Use the Census maps interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data from the labour market and travel to work topic summary, or download the datasets from the ONS.
Housing Topic Summary: Headlines
- As at Census day, 21 March 2021, almost half (48.4%) of Dudley households lived in semi-detached accommodation, the same percentage as in Census 2011; 21.6% of households were in detached accommodation (21.5% in 2011), 15.4% in terraced housing (16.1% in 2011) and 12% in purpose-built flats or tenements (11.7% in 2011); the remainder were living in converted or shared buildings, commercial buildings, caravans or other mobile or temporary structures
- Results on household tenure show that most Dudley households owned their accommodation, either outright (37.3%) or with a mortgage or loan (29.1%), with the equivalent figures from Census 2011 being 34.9% and 33.7% respectively; 15.4% of households rent from the Local Authority (16.8% in 2011) and 12.1% rent from a private landlord or letting agency (8.4% in 2011), with the remainder of households in other social or private rented accommodation or living rent free
- 82.8% of Dudley households have central heating on mains or tank/bottled gas only (85.1% in Census 2011), 6.4% have electric central heating only (6.9% in 2011) and 8% have two or more types of central heating (3% in 2011); 1.6% of households do not have any form of central heating, down from 3.6% in 2011
- 40.7% of Dudley households have use of 1 car or van, compared to 42.1% in Census 2011; 28.7% of households have 2 cars or vans (26.7% in 2011) and 10.1% have 3 or more (8.1% in 2011); 20.5% of households have no cars or vans, down from 23% in 2o11
Use the Census maps interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data from the housing topic summary, or download the datasets from the ONS.
Sexual orientation and gender identity Topic Summary: Headlines
Questions on sexual orientation and gender identity were asked for the first time in Census 2021. These questions were voluntary and only asked of people aged 16 years and over.
- 90.7% of Dudley residents aged 16 and over identified as straight or heterosexual, 1.2 as gay or lesbian, 0.8% as bisexual and 0.2% as other sexual orientations; 7% of people did not provide an answer to the question
- 93.7% of Dudley residents aged 16 and over indicated their gender identity was the same as their sex registered at birth, 0.2% that their gender identity was different from their sex registered at birth but with no specific identity given, with each of the gender identities trans woman, trans man and all other gender identities being 0.1%; 5.9% of people did not provide an answer to the question
Use the Census maps interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data from the housing topic summary, or download the datasets from the ONS.
Education Topic Summary; Headlines
- As at Census day, 21 March 2021, 25% of Dudley residents aged 16 and over indicated their highest level of qualification was Level 4 and above; this category includes degree, higher degree, NVQ level 4 to 5, HNC, HND, RSA Higher Diploma, BTEC Higher level and professional qualifications (for example, teaching, nursing, accountancy)
- 10.8% of Dudley residents aged 16 and over have Level 1 and entry level as their highest level of qualification, 15% have Level 2, 6% have Apprenticeships, 17.2% have Level 3 as their highest qualification level and 2.9% have "other" qualifications such as vocational or work-related qualifications
- In Census 2021 the qualifications question was revised and split up to group together different qualifications; as a result the qualifications answers in Census 2021 cannot be fully compared with the answers from Census 2011
- 23.1% of Dudley residents aged 16 and over indicated they had no qualifications, compared to 30% in Census 2011
- Census 2021 shows that 18.9% of Dudley residents aged 5 and over were in full-time education on Census Day, 21 March 2021; this includes schoolchildren and adults in full-time education
Use the Census maps interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data from the housing topic summary, or download the datasets from the ONS.
Health, disability and unpaid care Topic Summary: Headlines
- As at Census day, 21 March 2021, based on people's assessment of their general state of health from very good to very bad 43.8% of Dudley residents said they were in very good health and a further 35.4% that they were in good health; the equivalent figures in Census 2011 were 42.4% and 35.8% respectively
- 4.7% of Dudley residents said they were in bad health and 1.3% that they were in very bad health; in Census 2011 the figures were 5.1% (bad health) and 1.4% (very bad health)
- Census 2021 asked people if they had physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more and if these limited their day-to-day activities; 8.4% of Dudley residents answered that they had a condition and that this limited their day-to-day activities a lot, with a further 10.9% having a condition that limited their activities a little; these two categories combined, 19.3%, meet the definition for measuring disability in line with the Equality Act (2010)
- 6.9% of residents said they had a long term physical or mental health condition but their day-to-day activities are not limited (this category is not defined as disabled under the Equality Act (2010)), and 73.7% had no long term physical or mental health conditions
- 10.3% of Dudley residents aged 5 and over provide unpaid care by looking after, or giving help or support to, people who have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age; this does not include any activities as part of paid employment
- The 10.3% providing unpaid care is made up of 4.9% who do so for 19 hours or less per week, 2.2% provide 20 to 49 hours unpaid care a week, and 3.2% 50 hours a week or more
Use the Census maps interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data from the housing topic summary, or download the datasets from the ONS.
Further results
For information about other Census 2021 data due to be released after the topic summaries please visit Census 2021 results.
If you are looking for information from the Census in 2011 please visit the 2011 Census page.