Population Structure (CCG): GP Registered Population
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were created following the Health and Social Care Act in 2012, replacing Primary Care Trusts (PCT) on 1 April 2013. NHS Dudley CCG plans local services and controls the budget for hospitals and some community health services across Dudley Borough for Dudley people. As Local Authorities are responsible for public health, Dudley CCG and Dudley Council work closely together through the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Dudley CCG GP registered population is different from the Dudley Borough resident population, in that it counts the number of people registered to GP practices in the area regardless of where those people live; patients do not necessarily have to register with a GP practice in the Local Authority area where they reside and some people are not registered with any GP. Certain population groups are known to be less likely to register at a practice, such as young men, migrants to the UK, sole private care users, armed forces personnel, long-term prisoners and patients in long stay hospitals. The GP registered population is susceptible to "List Inflation", where the number of people is artificially high due to individuals not being removed from GP lists when they move away from the area or are deceased.
Dudley GP Registered Population
• 23% of those registered with a Dudley GP practice are aged under 20 years.
• Those aged 45-54 years (the 1960s ‘baby boom’ generation) account for 15% of the Dudley GP registered population.
• 15% of those registered with a Dudley GP practice are aged over 70 years.
• In the 80-84 age group 43% of those registered are men and 57% women. For the 90+ age group this is 31% men and 69% women.
GP Registered Population, 2017
Dudley GP Registered Population Compared to Dudley Borough Resident Population
• There is some fluctuation in younger age groups which are more likely to move home, such as for education and work related reasons.
• For 20 to 64 year olds there are more men registered with a Dudley GP than there are Dudley residents. This is due to the definitional difference between the GP registered and Dudley Borough resident populations as detailed above, with this specific group prone to list inflation.
• From age 65 the registered and resident population match more closely as people are less likely to move home and more likely to register with a GP.